Monday 29 January 2007

bliss blaat blaarp. hehe.

Mi dear amigos Vishnu and his wife Denise registered last year and last saturday was their wedding dinner. Quite awesome actually...twas a garden wedding with tables, red carpet, pedestal and stage...the works.

Another good thing was i managed to meet up with some fun friends whom i used to work with when i was with Astro. We drank a lil here and there...talked of good logical kick-ass brainy material...of some crap too...come to think of it, and oh course the topic veered towards my babes as well. Everybody didnt get to be updated on my "social life" since i left TPM area, so... kena drilling la..! hehe... They asked me how he was like, how he treated me and (some buayas) asked if it was really serious...the prats.

Yea its serious...i think :P (noooo, jangan pukul i!) hehe...kidding la, i can just imagine the look on his face if my busy lil bee manages to read my blog from time to time! Anyway im actually quite tired...understandable and all y know, since my brain got fried at work :) Neways, take care all...will continue another day. Kindly leave your valuable opinion(s) here if you're itching to say...anything! TTFN!


Juz MeL said...

Well, I hope he's the Right One for you dear prima, so that I can happily tell you just like what you told me before, "Don't change anymore ah!" Hahaha.. Missing you. *huggies*

sharman said...

hhehehee just find it VERY funny la when u say/type malay words... hahahahah

sorry tho if its offensive :P

GeishaExtraordinaire said...

yo sharman!
no laaa...i dont find many things offensive, so no worries!! :) u find me amusing eh? hehe...yea some peeps do. take care n cheerios!

GeishaExtraordinaire said...

thanks for your kind thoughts :)
you take care ya im missing you too! tell the cosmic review author anne to watch her spelling and grammar! :P good luck with the website promotion...muaks

Juz MeL said...

Ya know what? the CRs author Anne is your truly! I didn't want people to find out its me yet in case they're hesistant to leave comments. *OOPS* Which posts have spelling and grammer mistakes? Too many posts written at once I guess, which makes up for all the errors. Support my site okie? *muaks*

GeishaExtraordinaire said...

hahaha...its you isit... u ah... i suppose the amount of work u upload at one time made you blur d :P neways, since its you its more forgiveable! :) muaks.